What is Nutrient Therapy
Unlike the oral route, the injectable administration of nutrients is a rapid method of simply administering nutrients into the body. It's administered either by:
IV- Is performed by injecting a mixture of potent vitamins, minerals and other nutrients directly into the bloodstream losing nothing in the digestive tract and guaranteeing 100% absorption and most feel the affects 30-75 minutes.
Intramuscular Injection-A very small needle is injected into large muscles in the body where it can store and be released into the body over time . This process takes no more than a few minutes to complete.
Why Nutrient Therapy
Simple, as we all know, the optimal way to get vitamins and minerals in your diet is by eating a wide range of fruit and vegetables. Eating the proper amounts of fruits and vegetables doesn't always guarantee the essential absorption that the body will need resulting in possible vitamin deficiency as well as experience symptoms such as fatigue, muscle pain, memory fog and low energy. A nutrient injection is a faster and easier way to get your nutrients.
Benefits of Nutrient Therapy:
helps treat anxiety/depression
increased energy
fight effects of aging
enhanced athletic performance
improve immune system
overall health and well-being